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The NY Museum of Water tm
We are on a mission to create entertainment centers that act as an ambassador for water, its protection, and our children's future access to clean and ample water. Our purpose is to create the world's clearinghouse for all water related themes and to do it in an entertaining and accessible fashion that engages as wide an audience as possible and brings joy and wonder to people's lives.

What is the NY Museum of Water?
The NY Museum of Water is the first and only public museum in the United States solely dedicated to water and the only one in the world to provide a global perspective on this ubiquitous yet often hidden element. It features the most comprehensive collection of water-related artifacts and exhibits ever placed on public display. The stories of individual human beings in contact with water, told through film, interactives, and state-of-the-art exhibits, provide a dynamic context to foster an understanding of water and its impact on current and historic events. In addition to the Museum, the Complex includes a Museum Store, private dining and event facilities, an exclusive spa, a nightly running "water show" and a public cafe.

Who Owns the Museum?
The Museum is the creation of Altruventions. Based in Manhattan, Altruventions develops innovative experiences, along with products and services that improve our quality of life. The Museum's collaborative creative team has been powered by a volunteer team and consists of research directors, top museum and exhibition designers, innovative video and computer developers, and leading architects and interior designers.

What is the NY Museum of Water's Mission?
The mission of the Museum is to educate the public about water in an engaging manner and to provide a dynamic context that fosters understanding of its important role in, and impact on, current and historic events. In the words of the Museum's Founder, Asher Shomrone "The NY Museum of WATER is more than history - more than information or entertainment - its mission is to reflect the significance of water as arguably the greatest driving component of our human culture."

What else can the NY Museum of Water contribute?
Museum contributes to the public's understanding of the critical role of water in the world throughout history to the present day. The Museum has tremendous potential to contribute to future research, publication and public discussion about the world of water including commerce, transportation, energy, economy, national security, and the breakthrough developments in science and technology which have so characterized our times.

How can the Museum maintain a non-political and international perspective?
The Museum presents the world history and current events of water within a context that will allow visitors to draw their own judgments and conclusions. The focus of the NY Museum of Water is on humans touched by water, not political ideology. Our research indicates that valuing water is universal and that the degree of value, emphasis and reverence for water that a culture has is related to the quality of life of the people. We raise the profile of water wherever it exists, and strive to serve by uncovering the phenomenon of "hidden water" that permeates all aspects of our lives.

Are there other "water" museums?
The subject of water is addressed at several other institutions both nationally and internationally. Unlike the NY Museum of Water, they focus on a specific time period or use (ex:power), maritime history, a municipal system or event (ex: tsunami). The NY Museum of Water is the first and only museum of its kind that does not limit its interpretation of water by geography, limited field of interest or specific time periods. We share the previously untold story of humans and water on earth.

The Embassy of WATER tm
A membership organization designed to heighten quality of life on earth by promoting the importance of water through relationships, events and exchange of powerful information.

We seek to answer the question "who speaks for water" by creating an cadre of ambassadors that speak for water wherever it touches human life and we touch it.

We believe that this is one of and arguably the most salient means on earth today to support a sustainable civilization, protect our children's future, find salvation, avert certain disasters as well as enchant and vivify individual lives. To create ambassadors for water is the same as lighting up magic moments around the world; it brings people into balance with their environment.

This decade the embassy of water will serve to help identify and help implement the absolute greatest opportunities for the protection of our children's future and the human legacy.

In the following vital areas of concern:
  • Northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
  • Conservation: industry, agriculture, home
  • Protection: river, lakes, oceans, wetlands, springs, snowcaps,, fish resources, medicines, biodiversity, cultural mores, languages etc...
  • Safety: to fish, play, swim
  • Safe drinking water: - for children and mothers
  • Education
  • Stewardship, management, access, use
We will also study and describe important understandings of the interplay between human culture and water as well as fashion investigations into the fringes of our understanding in order to enrich the human state of existence. We could indeed be correctly interpreted as part R and D firm, part forum, part think tank, part advocate, part educational resource, part club, part hobby, branded entertainment media system.

The Home For Water
Located on the main street of Chelsea and next to our beloved High Line, THE HOME FOR WATER is New York's first public permanent presence for water. Our mission is to raise the profile of water, because with water providing a matrix of the present and future condition of all human life and culture on earth, reverence for water is the principle player in our own salvation in the 21 st century.

Through Contemporary and Classical Arts, Exhibits, Conferences, Science Demonstrations, Seminars, Performances and Interactive Shows we let water's voice be heard.

So we are building a living museum to meet the challenges of our century. Our sanctuary spaces of mythos, mystery, wonder, magic are created so you can replenish and enliven. Come reconnect with your source

We search the world to bring the best water related paintings, films, speakers, demonstrations etc... to the City of New York.

A powerful Platform for spreading a new Water Consciousness to help secure our future, VISITORS are encouraged to carry their memorable experiences with them as ambassadors of Water. Prepare for New York City bring its great heart, know-how, resouces and financial might to bear on the world's single greatest opportunity for powerful action. We trust your visit will be fun, refreshing, replenishing and meaningful.